[ live performers with media playback or computer ]
[ live performers with media playback or computer ]
Works for Acoustic Percussion
Strange Loops for percussion ensemble
Composed in 1993 when I was a student at Eastman (studying with Christopher Rouse), this is probably my most performed and recorded piece.
Purchase score and parts
(emailed pdf) $20
Chaconne for vibraphone and tablet computer
Commissioned and recorded by Phillip O'Banion, this piece exists as a video file that only the performer sees. Read the music from the screen while the synchronized sounds are heard by the audience. Therefore, no click track or music stand is needed.
Free score
Purchase video file (emailed link) $10
Smoke of the Ghost for marimba
Commissioned and recorded by Andy Harnsberger
Purchase music
(emailed pdf) $10
Lullaby for vibraphone
Purchase music (emailed pdf) $5
Three Millay Songs
for marimba and soprano
Purchase music
(emailed pdf) $10